Jan 28, 2024

January 2024


Here is a few items for your consideration, created sometime between now and the previous few years.

Aug 3, 2021

August 2021

Here is some of the artwork I've produced over the course of the past year or so. Some are original works, though much is fanart of established properties.

Loki, but he's Fletch

A strange and dangerous fairy

The Snackubus

Goblin Waitress

Punch Girl vs Evil Cheerleader

The LOONA System

Loona, but she's Portnova from Call of Duty

Demi from Subverse

Cal the Knight and Mulva the Kobold

Rawhide and Snag from Long Gone Gulch, but they're in It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia

Commander Ransom from Star Trek Lower Decks

Mulva the Kobold

G.I.X. the Alien Bug Queen, with Richard (her Chief Financial Officer) and B.B. (her Security Officer)

Feb 18, 2021

February 2021

 Here's a few things I've produced in the recent past. Look around my DeviantArt gallery for additional, more embarrassing pieces.

Dec 4, 2020

December 2020

 Hello! Here's some recent stuff.

Nov 19, 2020

November 2020 - Post #2

Since I am currently doing remote work, and since there is certain amounts of downtime in between daily assignments, I've been trying to be a little productive in regards to my personal projects.

I am nearly complete with the basic Punchgirl model. Today I finished her hair, among other small tweaks. I didn't even notice that I hadn't given her ears until just now. After some fine-tooth combing and examination, I will do my best to unwrap her UV model and begin texturing.

Here is a small assortment of renders from a few angles, as well as the concept for reference.

Nov 16, 2020

November 2020

This month, I entered a position as a Capture Artist with the Call of Duty recording team. I was hired by Volt Staffing Solutions, whomst then contracts me to Activision for services. Our team shoots in-game footage for all the current CoD titles, which is sent to other departments for marketing materials across various forms of media. I won't go into much more detail as to not reveal trade secrets.

So far, it's been quite an experience. I honestly can't believe that I'm even here yet.

I haven't made any progress with any projects, just because I've been occupied with other important things and also due to a general lack of interest. Otherwise, I've renergized my obsession with Five Nights at Freddy's. Here's a 4-panel stupid, stupid comic.

Sep 17, 2020

September 2020

 Recently, I have been aiming to improve upon and complete a short comic involving some simple characters.

The pitch:

A freelance knight  helps a hapless kobold to rid her home of a sentient fungal mass which has taken residence within the pipe system.

Here is an in-progress cover, which is utilizing the magazine cover as a reference.

This is the in-progress comic. I had previously made some rough sketches back in May 2020 (seen here) but it was halted due to pandemic funk bumming me out. I recently had a second wind with the project, however, and I was inspired to retrace the sketches, finish additional panels, and work on completing the story outline. Many elements of these panels are highly subject to change, and in most cases are not totally finished.

Aug 31, 2020

End of August 2020

 Here is a revised concept for a character I have previously talked about. I wanted to improve upon several aspects, which I detail below.

In the interest of saving time, I will repeat what I said about this on my DeviantArt page.

I wanted to improve upon the previous concept for this character, because it looked bad in a number of key areas:
- Different areas of her body looked squashed and stretched as though I did a bunch of bad transformation edits, which is mostly true
- Her pose was awkward, especially for her limbs, especially especially for her hands
- Her expression was dumb, and her hair was stupid

While not amazing, I feel that I managed to correct some mistakes and oversights:
- Her body proportions look more balanced
- Her knees don't look as weird, and her hair is less stupid, but her expression is dumber
- She isn't doing anything strange with her hands

I still can't seem to get the direction she is facing correct for her entire body; her knees and feet seem to be pointing in wrong directions. Her skirt is also off, probably worse than in the last version.
 Other than this, I made a few simple comics, which can be seen in my DA gallery. Whether they are enjoyable depends on the viewer's taste or lack thereof.

Aug 4, 2020

August 2020

Here is a fake poster for a Space Cop sequel that I made over the past few days.
You can also see it on my DeviantArt page, which also has some additional information about the references I used.

Jul 15, 2020

July 2020 - Character Concepts

I've been designing a few characters over the past week or so, three in total. They are intended to accompany my previous character as opposing fighters to battle. I made each with an accelerated pace and limited time spent on coloring, so they have a few obvious blemishes. If I could draw anatomy better, they would likely be slightly less stiff.

I refer to this large man as the Chef (no relation to Chef from South Park). I've imagined him to be incredibly French. He focuses on brutal crushing and slicing, utilizing hands hardened by a lifetime of scalds and cuts in the kitchen, as well as an array of cookware such as massive butcher knives and cast-iron skillets.

Surely, I will create a better name for this fellow and the others eventually, and even create reference sheets filled with poses and actions.

This is the Cheerleader. She is a fierce competitor, becoming enraged when facing any whom would dare challenge her superior cheerleading capabilities; this disgusting attitude is under a thin veil of vague charm. She specializes in flamboyant acrobatic attacks, and is especially adept in aerial combat. While fairly lightweight, she will summon a massive spirit stick to punish the unlucky and unfortunate.

Her palette is taken from a picture of potatoes of various colors, including her team's name, because it seemed funny.

This is the Queen, the most in-progress concept of these three. She is a Gothic insectoid with an inflated ego and considerable disdain for commonfolk. Her regal demeanor and thick carapace allow her to trade hits without breaking poise. The Queen also conceals much of her body beneath her oversized attire, making her quite difficult to read and allowing her to briefly hide some of her attacks.