Nov 1, 2018

Story Project 1

In this assignment, we went through several tasks that led to the creation of a short animation, including a script, storyboard, and animatic. Restrictions applied, such as no dialogue and characters had to be inanimate objects.

Title: 'The Lumbering'
Synopsis: Three log police officers arrive at the property of a suspected cult populated by pine beetles. Things get much weirder.

Dropbox Link 
Most if not all of the sounds in the animatic are taken from videos found on YouTube, which I then opened in Audacity and cut the specific clips I wanted. There are sounds from Twin Peaks: The Return, Team Fortress 2, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Dead Space, Diablo 2, and The Thing. The first draft was well over a minute, forcing me to remove several shots and cut others' lengths in half.

When creating the storyboard, I frequently reused assets through different frames, as well as from the beat board. There is not a large amount of detail because I typically spend far too much time on extraneous elements and end up taking several hours to design only a few slides, so I made a very conscious decision to only put the bare essentials and cheat whenever I could.

Beat Board:
As I was thinking about what certain shots were going to look like, I removed many parts that appeared in the script due to not being able to express them in a strictly visual manner or a lack of time. At this point, it was incredibly apparent that my story was completely insane and probably unworkable.

Character Construction:
Of my three character models, my peers seemed to be most interested in the log cop. None of these had much thought behind them. I essentially didn't know what I would do with any of them past the initial idea.

When writing the script, I frequently stopped to imagine what a psychiatrist or federal investigator might think about it. Half of the events in it were not included in the storyboard because they took too much time.

During the process of collecting reference images and writing beats and a synopsis, I had to struggle against thoughts of how the general idea was nonsense and my peers most likely would not understand it. I also do not recommend researching cults when it's dark out and you're all alone.