Dec 20, 2018

345 Project 2

'My Girlfriend is a Ghost?!'
By Jovanny Castanedo and Cameron Wetzel Hillman

Genre: Horror/Comedy/Romance
Synopsis: Dave unknowingly moves into a haunted house, but sometimes true love overcomes vengeful ghouls.

Dropbox Link to Animatic

The animated storyboard was very simple to make. I used Da Vinci Resolve, a video editor, and stole countless sounds from YouTube, which is much better than using Photoshop's awful timeline editor and terrible free stock sounds. It is the culmination of weeks of not doing much.

The precursor to the Animatic. For this, I used Adobe Flash CS13. Compared to Photoshop again, it is much better at managing a series of frames with multiple layers, as well as drawing simple graphics that can be manipulated quickly. The most difficult part is getting a shot to look right, in terms of angle and detail.

Character Models:
Before I started on character modeling, I made the beat board. The script was already written and it was simple to just start the beat board. I didn't feel like doing the character sheets in the slightest, so I dumped it on my partner Jovanny. He took some designs I had made for the beat board and other rough sketches I did.

Beat Board:
As stated before, the beat board was made before character construction. The preliminary creation stuff is stupid and I hate it. I started out shortly after finishing the beat sheet with Jovanny, and liked the first panel I drew so much that I had no reason to try to design other characters.

This was pretty easy to do. Most inspiration came from The Ring and The Grudge, with

Beat Sheet:
The idea for the story came about pretty quickly. When we were assigned a project and had to find a teammate, I dragged my feet because I don't know anyone in the class and no one approached me. It didn't take long for me to come up with the idea, as I read a lot of weird horror stories and always enjoy this specific kind of story. Jovanny provided very little in terms of structure. He did sort of help with the script, though.