Nov 19, 2020

November 2020 - Post #2

Since I am currently doing remote work, and since there is certain amounts of downtime in between daily assignments, I've been trying to be a little productive in regards to my personal projects.

I am nearly complete with the basic Punchgirl model. Today I finished her hair, among other small tweaks. I didn't even notice that I hadn't given her ears until just now. After some fine-tooth combing and examination, I will do my best to unwrap her UV model and begin texturing.

Here is a small assortment of renders from a few angles, as well as the concept for reference.

Nov 16, 2020

November 2020

This month, I entered a position as a Capture Artist with the Call of Duty recording team. I was hired by Volt Staffing Solutions, whomst then contracts me to Activision for services. Our team shoots in-game footage for all the current CoD titles, which is sent to other departments for marketing materials across various forms of media. I won't go into much more detail as to not reveal trade secrets.

So far, it's been quite an experience. I honestly can't believe that I'm even here yet.

I haven't made any progress with any projects, just because I've been occupied with other important things and also due to a general lack of interest. Otherwise, I've renergized my obsession with Five Nights at Freddy's. Here's a 4-panel stupid, stupid comic.