Sep 11, 2017


This pencil is not great. I didn't put the amount of detail into the textures as I wanted. I couldn't get all the specular shading right so it is uneven and ugly. My bump map was lackluster and barely visible. The wood part of the tip is low-res and has several visible seams. These are all issues that remain unsolved, including my submission to Blackboard being the wrong file.

The positives I can determine are how I took the vertices of the crimp object and molded them around the base of the pencil's body. That looks real nice, right? I bet everyone else did that, too, though.

If I were to start the project over, I would make the eraser object more seamless, the crimp object more condensed, the texture with more detail instead of flat colors, and the bump map texture more visible with specular shading.