Mar 5, 2018

Modular Hallway

This project involved creating various pieces that are wholly separate but able to be placed in a game engine to emulate a hallway. The requirements included two individual hallway pieces, two turns, a set of 'floaters' to create detail, and trim that sat between pieces to hide gaps.

The project only had a week to be completed. Unfortunately, I became quite ill and was that way for several weeks. This limited my ability to adequately work on the project. I only got some elements completed, and without much polish.

I faced difficulty in generating a UV map, as the project parameters limited it to one UV map for all pieces. As a result, I believe I got the bare minimum of detail I could place on the textures.

I wish I had had more time and energy to put more effort into the project. I am not satisfied with what I have completed, and I hope this experience has a lasting effect on me.