Mar 28, 2018

Asset Creation - Final Project

The current project we are working on is going to take a large amount of effort. A group consisting of 3 other people and myself is tasked with creating a functional game scene based upon a preexisting game product. Our team is decided on recreating an olive farm from Assassin's Creed: Origins.

Here is an annotated map that highlights points of interest and the main path a player would take through the scene.

My job will be to create a plethora of models that will be used to decorate the scene. This will be anything from candles to pots to bundles of pots to wooden frames covered with rags. Here is our proposed list of models that serves as my guide for creation.

As our project is meant to recreate elements from an existing game, our team has many references taken directly from AS:O that will be very helpful. Here is a small helping of the images from our library of reference.

The project is due in the beginning of May, so the team is focused on getting each of our tasks completed through April. As of now, I do not have anything completed. Other projects have been drawing my attention, as they have much closer deadlines. As soon as I can devote full attention to this project, I believe I can reasonably complete many of my assigned tasks.