Apr 2, 2018

2D Maze - Feedback

A recent project we started in class is working with pre-made GameMaker assets to create our own 2D mazes. After working to make the level, everyone showcased their level to everyone else for playtesting. In this post, I will be detailing my own level as well as recalling the feedback I received from those that played it.

The assigned theme is 'western' and we have been provided with both art assets and game objects that make the level function. The player character has their movement limited to 4 directions, adding an extra challenge that must be kept in mind as to not make a level that is frustrating to navigate due to hitting walls and barriers.

As I was thinking about the limited movement, I decided to double the size of my level from the initial dimensions. This allowed larger hallways in my maze, as well as a more complex layout. From start to finish and without going through wrong paths, it can take over a minute to reach the goal. Since the intended difficulty is 'easy', many wrong paths are very short and always have a defined marker to indicate its end. I also placed coins on wrong paths that were visible from the main path as to make the player second-guess their choices and play with them a bit.

Players who went through my maze typically enjoyed it. Out of 8 people, only 2 had non-positive responses. Generally, they liked the layout of the maze, with clearly defined boundaries and paths. The two people that did not like the maze found it too complex and that wrong paths led them along too much before revealing their nature. Despite the mostly positive responses, there are areas that need improvement. Those would include reducing the overall size to make navigating the maze quicker, and cutting wrong paths to be less time-consuming.

Next, I will be taking the feedback I had received and making the necessary improvements.