Apr 24, 2018

Another 373 Final Project Update

Most models have been completed. There are a few left, like some jars and pillows. The setpiece for our scene, an ornate fountain, has been modeled as well, though it needs more polish. Many items have had their UVs unwrapped and are ready for texturing.

The fountain will continue to pose a serious and threatening challenge. We need to have water, sound, and make it more detailed. None of those tasks will be easy, especially this late into production.

Some extra models I made include some torches (or braziers or whatever). These were much more interesting to make than things like sacks and candles.

I am well within my limits for the tri-count. The most difficult thing to look at will be getting everything into limited UV texture space, as we are restricted to a few different maps for all our textures for all our models.