Sep 10, 2019

CAGD 495 - Sprint Blog 1

For CAGD 495, I was positioned into the 2D Concept Art Team, which is separate from other game production teams and will be requisitioned by them when they need design work done. For this first sprint in the project schedule, I produced some concept pieces for two different teams.

The first set was for Deadeye Desperado. One design was for an enemy type, a golem. The other design was for a revolver-esque weapon. Beginning with pencil sketches, I later made digital traces and put in some rudimentary colors.

The second set of designs are for Sensational. Currently, I am working on a design for a staff that the player character will wield. The requested design calls for a coiled body, so I will need to figure out a way to make a shape that is easily reproducible and not too busy.