Oct 27, 2019

495 Blog Post

As I somehow did not make a prior blog post for previous sprints, this will be long and cover several new items that I developed for the 2D art team.


Lantern - Deadeye Desperado:

This was designed using an antique mining lamp as reference. For its purposes in the game, which is holding glowing crystals, about half of the lantern's body was removed, leaving only an extended glass chamber and the top cover as recognizable remnants of the original reference.

Pickaxe - Deadeye Desperado:

This was designed using another reference, and due to the simplicity of a pickaxe there was little to be done to make it look noticeably different. Keeping with the theme of magic crystals everywhere, the pick itself is made of crystal and painted a blueish steel, which has worn on its opposite edges and is also revealed by some crystal growth in the center.

Treasure Chest - Deadeye Desperado:

This was designed using reference of an antique strongbox. I attempted to make it look slightly decayed, with small bends and cracks in its metal and wood structure. The emissions of light is intended to imply something slightly extravagant locked within.

Staff - Senseational:

This was quite difficult. There was little direction as to what it should look like, other than coiled. I had to look up several sources of inspiration, among which included stone columns and hiking sticks. The purpose of the staff is to be the player's primary tool for interacting with the environment, and it displays whatever power is currently selected.

Runes - Deadeye Desperado:

This was a rune system I designed for use as just various environmental detail to mark something important. The developers also wanted to use it as a health bar, but I don't know how that turned out. There are three versions, just for extra variety.

This is a different rune system I made, which is specifically a set of numbers representing 1-6, or 0-5, depending on how you see it. It is intended to denote the order of objects in a puzzle, so the player can keep track of their progress. This also has three versions, for variety.

 These are runes to represent the four different types of bullets the player has at their disposal. In order, they are freeze, blast, flame, and heal. Previous versions were less runic and more vector-like, which meant they had to be redesigned according to those parameters.

Town Concept - Senseational:
This is a concept for the main area the player plays in Senseational. The parameters for its design were limited, including keywords like 'medieval', 'dilapidated', and 'valley'. After completing this line art, I was informed that some parameters had been changed in the meantime, so this concept is mostly outdated and as such it will likely remain unfinished.

Menu UI Text - Deadeye Desperado:

Deadeye Desperado required a number of text-based elements for its various menus, which I provided. If I had it my way, I would have used different fonts, but I was not able to install new fonts on the computers used to design these UI elements. 

These went through a number of variations, as I was informed of additional parameters each time I submitted what I thought was a complete package. This included additional menus and colors needing to be changed.

Title Screen Concept - Deadeye Desperado:
This is a quick concept I generated for use on Deadeye Desperado's main menu screen. It includes what I think the game's title should look like, as well as how I feel the game should, well, feel. I looked to spaghetti western movie posters for inspiration, which explains the strong red and orange hues.