Oct 6, 2019

CAGD 377 - Blog Post 3

This week, our team presented our first digital prototype build to the rest of the class for a playtest session. The elements that functioned were the player character's jump ability, as well as a level that scrolls forward automatically to keep a quick pace.

My contributions to the team involve art products. After some pencil/pen sketches over the previous sprint work session, I created digital pieces based upon those handdrawn drawings intended to refine their designs as well as choose a color scheme.

  The player character is a knight wearing an underwater diving suit. I tried to incorporate a medieval-looking helm with the waterproof/sealed bodysuit. The character has a sea hare for a mount, which is a type of sea slug. The prongs on its head are antennae that resemble bunny ears.
 The enemies were designed with the intention of being non-standard aquatic adversaries like sharks or crabs or whatever. Since the player is rescuing jellyfish, I wanted some lesser represented creatures.

 First is a giant sea leech, which technically doesn't exist, but I found a strange blog with a fake news story about them, which also had a neat artistic rendition of one. The next is a stonefish, which is a highly poisonous and extremely ugly fish, and as we all know, ugly things are evil things.
 After the first playtest, I will have to figure out how the slug and player move together, as I have been assigned the creation of a set of animations for them. While I have done some small animations before, they aren't anything spectacular.

The program I will be using is Adobe Flash CS3, since I have had it for a long time and am adequately familiar with how it functions, whereas Photoshop's timeline capabilities just don't do it for me.