Oct 21, 2019

CAGD 377 - Blog Post

During this sprint, I created an animation sprite sheet for the player character, as well as background images, and a dolphin for use as an enemy.

Here is the sprite sheet. It has 3 separate animations, each fairly simple; 4 frames for a forward movement, 3 frames for a jump action, and 3 frames for an attack action. As of yet, the game still uses the placeholder player character, which does not have any animation frames. These were created in Photoshop; I would have preferred to use Adobe Flash, as I feel it is more appropriate and robust in creating a set of animation frames than Photoshop, or at least I am more comfortable doing so with it.

Here is the background. It consists of 3 pieces, one simple gradient for the ocean, and two separate rocky reef outcrop layers. As they are each their own image, this hopefully will allow my team to utilize parallax scrolling. The two rock layers also fade into the background with transparency, which I don't believe will cause issues. Each piece was created by modifying a singular shape I drew using a bezier line tool, which I then cut, recolored, or transformed in any particular way. I used Krita to create these pieces. I feel it has better tools for generating and managing shapes. After this, I began creating foreground pieces that the player would actually walk on.

Here is the dolphin enemy. This is from the original character sketches I did, but had not implemented into a digital image yet as I didn't know if the team wanted it or not. It doesn't completely match the other enemy designs, namely in the outline thickness, which is an easy fix when the time comes to improve each individual image.