Dec 12, 2019

CAGD 470 - Blog Post

For this final sprint, the team focused on producing deliverables, polishing assets, and eliminating bugs. We also published a final build to, allowing others to view and play our game, which can be found here!

My personal work included creating the page, which needed a cover image, descriptive text and information, gameplay footage and screenshots, and the game's files. I also personally verified the integrity of the game's final build before submitting it.

Other than those two general tasks, there were not any other important tasks available for me to complete.

Now that the project is complete, all that is needed is to do a post-mortem presentation to the class.

My personal post-mortem for this project is not exciting. Much of my time with this particular project and team was spent waiting for a task to do, and the tasks I did have were minor and insignificant compared to what my teammates were producing. I felt that my skillset was not being challenged and utilized properly. The only reason I was team lead was because the person who designed the game (and who was directing everything anyway) didn't want to be team lead. In the future, I will not allow myself to be given responsibilities that I don't want just because someone else didn't feel like it.